The communication, engagement
and dynamization
platform for
educational communities.
A single solution for the entire student journey that places the student in the center and unifies all the agents in the same space.

A SaaS platform
Easy to implement. Easy to customize. Manageable in real time from the backend.
Create a communication channel
Effective with your students.
Simplifies internal processes
And it reduces costs.
Increase participation
In surveys of
academic satisfaction.
Build and energize
Your Alumni community with
una bolsa de empleo propia.
Facilitates onboarding
Of the new students
national and international.
Get big data
And it improves engagement.
And the college experience.
For the entire student journey
With the best features.
Register leads.
Carry out a personalized follow-up
and make them pre-students.
Facilitates the onboarding of
the students before
from the beginning of the course.
Connect with the day to day
student's academic and social
Create a permanent link
and encourages networking with
a strong alumni community.
A cloud control panel
Tailored to the needs of your community.

In content and functionalities
in real time.
Involves the entire internal team with different
permissions and user roles.
Data analytics
Check statistics and get big data.
A comprehensive solution for your center
Communication, networking, engagement and process improvement
Personalized and adapted app.
In brand identity.
In functionalities.
And to the desired stage of the student journey.
Ease. Agility. Security.
Your app available in 4 weeks.
With the possibility of carrying out a test with a sample of users.
With integrations with ERP's or LMS of the center.
Improve internal processes
and reduces costs.
Employment exchange and own internships.
Teacher satisfaction surveys and reports.
Automation of attendance in class.
Advice and personalized support.
Launch and download of the app.
Content strategy and dynamization.
Consulting and value generation.
Some figures and success stories that support us
Average app download
Daily use of the app
Participation in teacher satisfaction surveys
Degree of satisfaction of our users
"The app has proven to be a very important tool for us to connect the entire community, integrating all the tools we have at the center in modern and easy access for the student."
Javier Peña, Managing Director

“UNIFIT has allowed us to have a platform for the center that contains all the functionalities that students need. Having native functionalities backed by UNIFIT that integrates perfectly with the ERP and LMS allows us to improve and digitize many internal processes”.
Gerard Soler, Director of Systems