The combination between technology and the custom tracking is of great help to the teams of admissions to overcome the main challenges for recruiting students.

Teams of college admissions, business school or higher education institutions are facing major challenges to be able to capture students.
This is because every time it is more difficult to recruit, attract and retain to the future students.
What are some of the most common challenges to attract students?
1. Students “ghost”
The student ghost is the one who asks for information about the center through any of the available channels and after this interaction, it disappears. That is to say, he vanishes, like a ghost.
These students have had an interest in the center, but have lost last this first interaction.
There are a thousand reasons that explain this behavior can be due to economic circumstances, or relatives, for lack of follow-up of the student by the school, for the simple fact of having lost interest in what was requested, or by the content sent to them, that you have not covered your expectations.
Whatever the case may be, this future student does not follow the process and therefore, not just becoming a tuition center.
2. The immediacy
The new generations and, therefore, prospective students are living in the age of immediacy.
And that is what they expect when they request or ask for more information in your school. And if you do not get response to your needs in a short term, they feel frustrated and disappointed.
Of course, the immediate response 24/7 is not an option to consider.
The center should know manage expectations student e indicate in each of the channels response times approximate to avoid this feeling of a lack of response on the part of the center.
To do this equipped with certain tools as an app that to facilitate this agility on the part of the center can be of great utility to enhance the conversion and avoid the frustration of a student.
3. Students “lost” by the way
They are students who have been very interested, with which you have maintained more of a contact (have passed from the stage ghost) and you are one step away from becoming prealumnos. But without knowing very well why, a day fades your interest and get “lost” by the way in this final phase.
That is to say:
- do not come to complete the registration process,
- they lack to submit the required documentation for registration
- do not make the payment,
- or, in more extreme cases, do not appear at the beginning of the semester.
And this can be a problem for the center to the not be able to close registration with the expected numbers. And in case you have a waiting list, it is possible that these students have been chosen already by other options at this point in the process.
These students are lost may exist, but without a doubt, the objective center it will be minimize. But above all, you cannot “lose” or for lack of accompaniment, or by a lack of clarity in the different stages of the process by the centre.
What solutions can be applied to these challenges to attract students?
- Analyze the channels communication current to detect which ones convert best, and identifying possible improvements in the engagement strategy.
- Review the content offered in various channels and to test other content such as sending invitations to specific events that may be of your interest.
- Anticipate the possible questions and information needs of the student and to offer a space with this content, so that you can view it without having to ask for it.
- Have a space in which to be able to ask your doubts and power answer publicly to it. Both on the part of the center as giving a voice to other authorized persons as students ambassadors.
- Offer new communication channels that will allow the agility and the immediacy that new students require, and that can be managed rapidly during the set hours.
- Offer new communication channels that will allow the agility and the immediacy that new students require, and that can be managed rapidly during the set hours.
- Make a detailed tracking and custom for each of the steps that you must perform the student and get the feedback of this process in order to detect possible improvements.
How do I apply all this?
As previously mentioned, having the right tools it is a differential factor. And in the process of recruiting students, in a market increasingly segmented and with more competition, no doubt it is.
To do this, to have a app to candidates or prospective students as of unifit as can be of great help to:
- Facilitate the uptake of leads using the form of the app.
- Communicate and disseminate all information necessary at the different stages of the lead through the agenda or push notifications.
- Get feedback at various stages through the surveys of the app.
- Generate a space dialogue with the future students in which post your questions and respond to them, both the centre as well as with ambassadors.
- Have a channel of conversation private and immediate with the student through the chat.
In short, being a facilitator in the decision-making process of the student and to show, from the first contact, a personalized and tailored to your needs.
And in addition...
Once the candidate has become prealumno, that is to say, is already enrolled in the center, to have a app it is also of great help to correctly perform the onboarding student before your arrival at the center.