Digitize your business.

¿Quieres conseguir hasta 29.000€ para digitalizar tu centro educativo con UNIFIT?

Get the Digital Kit grant for SMEs and the self-employed.

What is the Digital Kit?

The European Union has allocated some economic funds to reactivate the economy and employment in Europe,due to the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. They are known as Next Generation Funds.

Spain will receive 140,000 million euros until 2026,which will be distributed through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan that will be reflected in 4 lines of action: ecological transition, digital transformation, social and territorial cohesion and gender equality.

The Spanish Government aims to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions on the market to achieve a significant advance in the level of digital maturity. It provides a series of digital services to help them drive the digital transition.

These grants are part of the European Funds for economic recovery Next Generation EU..
It is not necessary to advance money as they are non-refundable grants.

Who can apply for help?

The digital solutions provided by the Digital Kit are aimed at the needs of small businesses, micro-businesses and self-employed workers, belonging to any sector or type of business.

How to request the Digital Kit?

The digital kit is a digital bonus with an economic amount for you to manage by choosing one or more digital solutions from those offered by the digitizing agents that develop the catalog services. The steps to follow to request the digital voucher are as follows:

1. Register at www.acelerapyme.es/kit-digital as a SME or freelancer and complete the self-diagnosis test.

2. Check the catalog of digital solutions,where you can choose one or more of those offered by digitizing agents.

3. Request the Digital Kit aid at the Red.es electronic headquarters (sede.red.gob.es).sede.red.gob.es).

4. Access the procedures to request your Digital Kit bonus through a digitizing agent that accompanies you.

5. Choose UNIFIT as Digitizing Agent.

Our solutions

Virtual office tools and services.

App para centros educativos bajo un modelo SaaS (Software as a Service) para:


Collaboration between people from the same group, exchanging documents and sharing knowledge.


Schedule events and news.


Improve internal communication processes and dynamics.

Management of social networks.

Strategy, design and content for social networks with the publication in the different social networks and monitoring.


Competition analysis and strategy definition.


Scheduling and publication of content.


Monitoring and analysis of results.

Website and Internet presence.

Visibilidad a través de una página web. 


 Definition and design.


Implementación de una web.


Monitoring and analysis of results.

Customer Management.

Strategy and management of current and potential clients with implementation of tactical actions to achieve the objectives defined in the project. 


Definition of objectives.


Scheduling and publication of content.


Monitoring and analysis of results.


We are approved.

And validated as Digitizing Agent.

Frequent questions

About the Digital Voucher

Why is digital transformation so important in Spain?

92% of companies in Spain have five or fewer employees, so most are SMEs or self-employed.

The problem, or the opportunity, is that according to INE data from 2021, of these 3 million companies, only 26% of SMEs and 20% of the self-employed have made some investment in digitization, which shows the potential of companies in Spain and how urgent and important digitization is..

By digitizing your business, you gain visibility, increase interaction with potential customers, optimize commercial and economic resources, and consequently, increase your profits and results.

What is the amount of aid?

  • Segment I: Between 10 and 50 employees: €12,000
  • Segment II: Between 3 and 10 employees: €6,000
  • Segment II: Between 0 and 3 employees: €2,000

Which are the requirements?

Companies that want to opt for the Digital Kit must meet the following requirements:

1. Being a company, micro-enterprise or self-employed.

2. Be registered in the Census of entrepreneurs, professionals and retainers.

3. Not be considered a company in crisis.

4. Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.

5. Not be subject to a pending recovery order after a previous decision of the European Commission that has declared an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.

6. Not be involved in any other of the prohibitions provided for in the General Subsidies Law.

7. Do not exceed the de minimis aid limit (small amount aid).

8. Having carried out the evaluation of the Digital Maturity Level, in accordance with the diagnostic test available on the Acelera pyme platform.

Does it have any cost for the requesting company?

The beneficiary subject will carry out the payment of the aid through the assignment to the Affiliated Digitizing Agent of part of the "digital voucher" linked to the Agreement for the Provision of Digitization Solutions signed, and the payment of the relevant part of the costs not subsidized.

What type of grant will I receive?

The type of subsidy is non-competitive. It will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted to those who meet the requirements. It is delivered in the form of a “voucher” that can be exchanged for packages or digital solutions from digitizing agents. 

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