News and updates

Noviembre 2023
UNIFIT participa en las Jornadas Profesionales eMagister 2023.
El pasado 28 y 29 de noviembre, UNIFIT participó en las Jornadas Profesionales en las que se abordaron las últimas tendencias entre expertos en captación de estudiantes, centros de formación, universidades, escuelas de negocio, editoriales, empresas y organizaciones.
Un encuentro anual en Barcelona y en Madrid para el sector de la formación para conocer los últimos datos de oferta y demanda en el mercado sobre el ciclo comercial, los factores de conversión, mejores prácticas en captación de alumnos, oportunidades en inteligencia artificial y empleabilidad.

Noviembre 2023
Mesa redonda en el Smart City Expo World Congress 2023
Alejandro Torras, CEO de UNIFIT, participa en la mesa redonda “Un año de innovación abierta con impacto” para reflexionar sobre CONNECTIO, la plataforma empresarial de innovación de Barcelona Activa,
Una ocasión para compartir nuestra experiencia como start-up que nos ha permitido dar respuesta al reto de acción climática y sostenibilidad planteado por Aigües de Barcelona.

Octubre 2023
Conferencia en la Barcelona Design Week 2023 AI Visions: Inteligencia Artificial a Debate
En el marco de la Barcelona Design Week, el pasado 11 de octubre, Alejandro Torras participa en una mesa redonda especializada en educación y diseño en el Roca Barcelona Gallery.
Una interesante debate con startups, universidades y empresas para opinar sobre su percepción de la inteligencia artificial y los beneficios o posibles rechazos que genera su uso.

Octubre 2023
UNIFIT, la plataforma de dinamización de los EcoEduca Green School Days
7 horas con más de 135 equipos con 530 jóvenes participando en distintos retos de grandes empresas para encontrar soluciones sostenibles. Y centralizando toda la información y participación desde la plataforma proporcionada por UNIFIT.
Una iniciativa de Talent Factory en la que estamos muy orgullosos de poder colaborar y contribuir a apoyar el talento y la innovación de las futuras generaciones.

Octubre 2023
Mesa redonda: Cómo incorporar la sostenibilidad ambiental en la empresa para marcar la diferencia
El pasado 5 de octubre nuestra compañera Mar Bujons participó en una interesante sesión con distintas soluciones de sostenibilidad aplicables a empresas para compartir cómo UNIFIT te permite medir, capacitar, concienciar y generar un cambio de hábitos promoviendo la sostenibilidad en un colectivo.

Octubre 2023
Conferencia en el RECLA: Cómo diseñar e innovar en la transformación digital en la educación superior.
En el marco del XXVIII Encuentro Internacional RECLA 2023 (Red de Educación Continua de Latinoamérica y Europa), Alejandro Torras realiza una conferencia junto con Elisava.
Una sesión en la que compartir cómo best practice el trabajo realizado con Elisava como ejemplo de innovación en educación superior gracias a las distintas funcionalidades y soluciones proporcionadas por UNIFIT.

Octubre 2023
Conferencia en BizBarcelona: Diálogos Connectio
El pasado 4 de octubre, Alejandro Torras, CEO de UNIFIT, participó en la mesa redonda Diálogos Connectio en el marco del Biz Barcelona hablando sobre innovación abierta, digitalización y nuestra experiencia con la plataforma Connectio.

Octubre 2023
UNIFIT participa como expositor en el BizBarcelona
El 4 de Octubre UNIFIT participó en el salón Biz Barcelona en el stand 441 de Barcelona Activa.
Un día muy interesante de networking con otras start ups, pymes y emprendedores.

April 2023
UNIFIT: company selected to participate in the Abacus Ventures program.
UNIFIT will participate in the coming months in the Abacus Ventures program together with the rest of the selected start-ups in the EdTech sector.
An acceleration program in which we will participate in different workshops of general interest.

May 2023
Conferencia en el 4YFN: "Open Innovation & Connect".
Within the framework of the 4YFN, Alejandro Torras, CEO of UNIFIT participated in the Open Innovation & Connectio conference organized by Barcelona Activa.
A session to talk about innovation with companies, consultants and start-ups.

February 2023
UNIFIT participated as an exhibitor at 4YFN in the ICEX space.
On March 1 and 2 UNIFIT was present in Hall 8 of the 4YFN at Booth Stand 8.1C40.5B.
Two intense days to make UNIFIT known, network, share knowledge and great sources of inspiration.

December 2022
UNIFIT, company selected to participate in the next edition of 4YFN.
From February 27 to March 2, 2023, UNIFIT will participate in 4YFN, the benchmark event for technology startups.
On this occasion you can find us participating in the fair within the ICEX Spanish Pavilion.

November 2022
UNIFIT participates in the eMagister Professional Conferences.
On November 29 and 30, Alex Torras, director of UNIFIT, participated in the Professional Conferences in which topics such as market evolution and trends, opportunities in higher education and the present and future of professional training were addressed. .
An annual meeting in Barcelona and Madrid for the training sector to exchange trends and opinions on the recruitment of students in training centers.

November 2022
UNIFIT participates in the annual meeting of the BcD Design Cluster.
As every year, the members of the Barcelona Design Center cluster meet to reflect on the role of design and the activity carried out throughout the year.
As every year, the members of the Barcelona Design Center cluster meet to reflect on the role of design and the activity carried out throughout the year.

November 2022
UNIFIT joins Connectio.
At the past Smart city Expo World Congress, the new Connectio platform was officially presented.
An open innovation business platform from Barcelona Activa that brings together the innovative ecosystem of Barcelona with the aim of offering solutions to social, environmental and economic challenges posed by different companies.

November 2022
Publication study Elisava Emotional Data #StayAtHome.
The complete study of Elisava Emotional Data is published, a study carried out jointly between Elisava Research and UNIFIT through the Elisava Life app to explore the emotionality of the university community in a context of confinement.

July 2022
UNIFIT visits DFactory.
On July 13, our CEO Alejandro Torras, together with a representation of partners from the Brazil-Catalunya Chamber of Commerce, visited the DFactory, promoted by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona.
The DFactory is a center for industry 4.0 that promotes the attraction of talent, technology and investment, making Barcelona a point of reference in innovation and the digital economy.

July 2022
UNIFIT participates in the EduTech Innovation Day.
On July 5, Alejandro Torras, CEO of UNIFIT, has participated in the Edutech Innovation Day of the Edutech Cluster.
A reference day for the Edutech sector to encourage connection and reflection on the current and future of the edtech sector and the challenges and opportunities of innovation as a cluster.

April 2022
UNIFIT participates in the 5th International Seminar of the Emotions Design Academic Network (RADE).
Alejandro Torras, together with the Elisava Research team, participate as speakers in the seminar on "Design, Affectivity and Confinement".
The presentation explains the Elisava Emotional Data #StayAtHome study that was carried out through the Elisava Life app to explore the emotionality of the university community in the context of confinement.

March 2022
UNIFIT at the “Saló de l'Ensenyament” and “Saló Futura”.
These days we will be present at the main Education Fair with the most complete offer of studies in Catalonia with degrees, masters, postgraduate degrees or professional training, among others.
The space where all the universities and educational centers meet with their future students. Without a doubt, a unique opportunity for recruitment.

February 2022
UNIFIT at 4YFN – 4 Years from Now.
One more year we are present at 4YFN, the reference event for entrepreneurs and technological start-ups.
An opportunity to share knowledge, exchange opinions and generate networking with the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

January 2022
New UNIFIT blog.
We are launching a new space on the Unifit website to share knowledge and reflections for the different groups: universities, companies and associations or professional associations.
Articles of interest and internal communication resources, digitization and digital transformation, technology and trends for all groups.

November 2021
Presentation of the new APP for members of the BcD Design Cluster, developed by UNIFIT.
At the annual meeting of BcD design cluster companies that took place on November 17, the new BcD APP, developed by UNIFIT, was presented.
An app whose objective is to improve communication between the institution and companies and promote networking and connection between these companies that are part of the design cluster.

September 2021
Meeting between Mariana Amatullo, president of the Cumulus Association and Alejandro Torras, Director of UNIFIT.
Meeting between UNIFIT and Cumulus Association, a world association with more than 360 universities of 63 different nationalities; whose objective is to share the "best practices" and knowledge among all universities of art, design and creativity.

August 2021
New corporate identity.
The step towards a new brand identity that represents Unifit's vision and mission, reflecting its objectives and those of its clients, thanks to Morillas Branding Design.

March 2021
A new platform to foster interaction and networking among the alumni community and facilitate professional opportunities.
A website with a new design and a new easy and complete management panel.

February 2021
UNIFIT is present at the 4YFN of MWC21.
We have attended the 4YFN, the benchmark event for technology start-ups.
An interesting day of inspiration and networking in which the potential of mobile and digital technology is highlighted as a key tool of the present and the future.

February 2021
Alejandro Torras, talks about the digital communication in large communities in Radio Kanal Barcelona.
UNIFIT, the digital tool to communicate and keep large groups, such as universities, professional associations and companies, informed.

January 2021
UNIFIT, reconnecting communities.
The startup creates a mobile application that facilitates the interconnection between members of a community, be it educational, business or from the world of association.

December 2020
UNIFIT defines the strategy and content of La Mútua's social networks.
One more step in the entity's digital transformation process to connect with its associates by opening new social channels on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

March – June 2020
UNIFIT together with Elisava Research launches the Elisava Emotional Data #StayAtHome study.
The objective of the study is to reflect on how this confinement affects the emotional state of the Elisava community and its well-being.
Participation and data collection throughout the process is done through the Elisava Life application.

September 2020
ULife, the app's internal communication of UManresa.
ULife is the app for internal communication of the campus at Manresa of the UVic-UCC. Allows access to a large amount of information and services to make life easier in College.

November 2019
Barcelona Design Center and UNIFIT sign an agreement to promote studies.
An application specially designed for university students, with the aim of creating a pioneering design community worldwide.

November 2019
The university ecosystem has a new tool to stay connected.
The UNIFIT startup and Elisava, the University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, implement a mobile application to improve communication between students.

November 2019
The BcD and UNIFIT sign an agreement to promote studies.
Through the Design Cluster, it will be possible to use an application specially designed for university students, developed by UNIFIT.

November 2019
The UNIFIT startup, led by Master's Alumni Alex Torras, joins the Alumni Nursery.
UNIFIT's objective is to connect large groups, such as universities with their students or companies with their workers; facilitating communication.

November 2019
Barcelona Center de Disseny and UNIFIT will promote a community of design students.
Through the Design Cluster, the center and the startup will promote the creation of the community through an application designed for university use and the connection of large groups, which will be developed by UNIFIT.
One of the objectives is to promote creative talent and generate flows of innovation.

October 2019
Interconnected university.
Elisava and UNIFIT launch an app that improves relationships between students and encourages communication.

September 2019
The app that promotes the social relations of students from the same center.
Elisava launches a university app that improves communication between students and that will strengthen the university ecosystem of Catalonia.